2009. június 18., csütörtök

Jai Ho - you are my destiny

So, I think about the english version of The Chronicles of Nolasyn. 'Cause my Friends from abroud want to read it... :P It could be big challange to me... the grammer is not my strength. But you can see it during you reed this lines... :P

But, I don't know how could I start it. I will make another page for this. (But now this is the first shared entry for the new blog.)

Twiligth time has come among the walls. The fox grape's bright green turned into dark. Our sweet flitter-mouse starts the night service. My little black cat just stands in the window and waits. Waits for the next minute. But I am not sure in it. Probably he doesn't care with the time passing. Just live in this moment.

Yesterday night I had seen the TV - usually I fall asleep on the noises and lights - there were a music video from the Slumdog Millionare movie. Jai Ho by The Pussycat's dolls. The atmosphere of the music simply grasp me. The original music is real Indian music. It could be a sign... Seema mentioned that in Hungary there some kind of scholarships to go to India, Jalna University. Who knows, India is interested me so well, and there are also some grants for 2-3 weeks. It's not a long period to stay there.

So the Jai ho, as I understand it means: you are my destiny... I love the Indian music. It makes me to dance... And if I close my eyes, I can take a journey on the wings of Notes. Sounds. It takes me to other worlds. Maybe I'm a daydreamer...

Here you can hear it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFpZ2mlR04I (this is not the official music video, I can't show you by the youtube that...but the music is the entity... or whatever...)

So, for first time that's all, "folks"...:)

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Helló! Majd emailben mellékelsz nekem egy magyar fordítást ? :P